Sunday, 16 February 2014

Make Up Removal

I love putting on my makeup, but it's also enjoyable taking it off and having a fresh moisturised face.

I'm taking you through my routine at the end of the day when I want to remove my makeup.

My Skin: I have normal skin, not oily but tends to feel dry also but not in a visable way, it just feels tight if that makes sense. These products personally work for me, doesn't mean they will for you if you have different skin.  I don't have bad visable pores or breakouts, I do get breakouts now and then, afterall it's normal.  That might be my blessing or it could just be the way I treat my skin.  

SIMPLE: Kind to skin cleansing facial wipes
I use these to get my mascara/eyeliner off and also some of the face product. I have tried a lot of facial wipes and I always go back to 'simple' the other ones I have tried it feels the wipes are dried out & doesn't remove product as well as it should.
Cost £3-6 (deal depending).

LANCOME  Bi Facial Eye makeup remover
I put this on cotton wool to take my eye makeup off.  It's important to hold & dab don't rub or you'll get wrinkles!  I feel this comes off super quick and leaves a silky coating on your skin to rinse off.
Cost - £21


BOTANICS: Cleansing Cream
*Alternative - Liz Earl Cleanse & Polish(This is more pricey)
I like to use this with a hot damp cloth, again not pulling(Use soft circular motions).  This removes all the makeup left on the rest of my face.  White cloths are ideal so you know when your face is clean.  Don't forget your neck!           -Paraben Free!
  Cost - £5  (Boots)


NEUTROGENA: Visibly clear Pore & Shire Daily Scrub
This product I don't tend to use on a daily basis, I use about every 2-3 days or when my skin isn't looking on the most clear side.  I also use even if I just feel I have worn more makeup than usual.

This is a scrub that will exfoliate and get into those pores to keep them clear and unclogged.  
Again I use with a hot damp cloth to remove.   Paraben Free!
Cost - £5-7 (approx)


MASK (LUSH): Mask of magnaminty
This one I obviouslly do not use every day.  I use this once or twice a week depending if my skin has breakouts I use it more.
It's a mint mask that helps to reduce your breakouts.  I leave it on for 10 mins and it hardens up on the face.  I guess thats what it must feel like to have bo-tox lol.
I then again... remove it with a hot damp cloth.
Cost - £5.95 (125g) or  £9.25 for 315g.

GARNIER: Moisture match
For moisturiser I actually use the same as I do in the morning instead of a night cream.  
I use the 'normal to dry skin' and the 'dry to very dry'.  I just go back and forward depending on how my skin is feeling.  
I reccomend these as they are paraben free and very afforable! They do them for all skin tones from very dry, dry, normal, oily, very oily, dull..
Cost - £3 Asda (Boots £5-6 deal depending). 

All that's left now is to put on some EOS & chill in fresh soft skin. 

You need fresh skin for your makeup to look flawless! 


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